2023 Summer Programs Information for Families

The Windham Northeast Supervisory Union is excited to announce our Summer Programs plans for 2023! We will be centralizing our elementary and middle school Summer Programs (1st-8th.) These will be hosted at two WNESU locations: Westminster Center School and Bellows Fall Middle School.

Please see the chart below for your student's Summer Programs option:                                                                                         

If your student is…  

and they attend…

the Summer Programs site choice is:

Entering 1st - 4th

Central Elementary School

Grafton Elementary School

Saxtons River Elementary School

Westminster Center School

Westminster Center School 

Entering 5th and 6th Grade

Westminster Center School

Grafton Elementary School 

Either Bellows Falls Middle School 


Westminster Center School 

Entering the 5th Grade

Central Elementary School

Saxtons River Elementary School

Bellows Falls Middle School 

Entering 7th grade

Westminster Center School

Grafton Elementary School 

Bellows Falls Middle School

Entering 6th - 8th grade

Bellows Falls Middle School 

Bellows Falls Middle School 

WNESU Summer Programs can provide up to five weeks of camp that will offer experiential and enriching learning opportunities for elementary and middle school students. Summer Programs are an expansion of our After-School Programs and they keep youth on track during the summer by providing critical support to students and families, while offering a safe and nurturing learning environment. 

The Summer Programs will run for the following 5 weeks, Monday through Friday from 8 am - 4 pm.

July 5 - 7

July 10 - 14

July 17 - 21

July 24 - 28

July 31 - August 4

* note the adjusted calendar for the week of July 4th.