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Title 1 Information


WNESU Federal Funding Support (Title I) Information 


The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) or Title I was designed to provide instructional help for students experiencing academic difficulty. Funding is given directly to the schools and is based upon the number of families who are considered “low-income”. WNESU is required to provide funding and other resources to increase parent involvement in their child’s education. Schools are required to use instructional strategies based on scientifically based research and to implement parental involvement activities.

Schools enrolling at least 30 percent of students from economically disadvantaged families are eligible to use Title I funds for school wide programs that serve all children in the school. Title I programming support in WNESU is available to all schools and all of our students, regardless of income level. 

Funds are used to promote:

  1. High academic/achievement for all children
  2. Initiatives for Safe and Healthy Schools
  3. Improved communication between school and home
  4. An enriched and accelerated educational program
  5. Professional development for staff 
  6. Meaningful opportunities for family engagement


Teacher Qualifications

Families have a right to ask for and receive information about the qualifications of their child’s teacher. Information can be found by visiting an online portal at If you do not have computer access, please contact the WNESU Superintendent’s office at 802-463-9958

WNESU Assessments

WNESU utilizes a wide array of  assessment tools to document students’ academic progress. The following is a summary of assessments for the coming school year.


Universal Tools (for all students)

Grades 3-9: VT-CAP: Vermont State Assessment 

Grades K-6: Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS)

Grades K-9: NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)

Grades K-6: Words their Way Spelling Inventory

Diagnostic Tools (for students in need of additional support)

Phonological Awareness Skills Screener

Quick Phonics Screener



Universal Tools

Grades 3-9: VT-CAP: Vermont State Assessment 

Grades K-9: NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)

Grades K-5: Universal Screener for Number Sense (USNS)

Diagnostic Tools (for students in need of additional support)

Primary Number and Operations Assessment (PNOA)

High Leverage Assessments 


Family Engagement

WNESU values the  partnerships we build with our students’ families. Title 1 schools are required to complete several specific actions to involve parents. To meet part of these requirements, our schools routinely host parent engagement events and parent conferences throughout the year. 


School Home Compact

The WNESU School and Home Compact is an agreement between home and school regarding our mission to promote a safe, caring and supportive environment where students can succeed. We strive to have our parents, teachers, and community members actively involved in our students’ learning. Effective schools support student learning through a partnership between families and school personnel. We invite you to join us in using the following compact to guide our work together.




We believe all children can learn and succeed in school. Therefore, we will:

  • provide high-quality instruction.
  • provide a school environment that encourages positive relationships.
  • teach students to resolve conflicts in an appropriate and positive manner.
  • provide meaningful homework when appropriate that supports student learning.
  • use methods of assessment that enable us to monitor the learning of individual students and plan for effective instruction.
  • collaborate with one another, students, families, and the community so that students will experience success.
  • commit ourselves to ongoing professional development and continuous improvement.
  • communicate with parents keeping them informed of their child’s progress in a variety of ways.
  • pursue the joy of learning together.



It is important that I encourage my child in the learning process. Therefore I will:

  • see that my child attends school regularly and on time.
  •  stay in close contact with my child’s teachers.
  • motivate and help my child with homework.
  • read with my child and let my child see me read.
  • support the school discipline policies as stated in the school handbook.
  • encourage my child’s learning with a healthy lifestyle (nutrition, hygiene, sleep)



As a student of WNESU, ,I contribute to the standard of excellence. Therefore, I will:

  • help create a safe and positive school climate.
  • always work to the best of my ability.
  • attend school regularly and be ready to learn every day.
  • be an active and positive member of the school and community.
  •  read at home.
  • follow the classroom and school rules.
  • accept responsibility for my own actions.
  • ask for help when needed and give help when asked.
  • treat everyone, including myself with respect.
  • resolve conflict peacefully.
  • make healthy and positive choices.
  • get to bed on time and remain rested and ready for learning